How Nobul Streamlines Your Home-Buying Process

nobul home buying

Right now, one of the biggest stories in the real estate industry is Nobul, the disruptive real estate marketplace winning over buyers and sellers. Having recently celebrated a milestone – 7 billion in sales completed – the company is looking to expand its operations even further.

At this critical juncture, it might be a good time to reflect on the company: what is it, and what makes it such a compelling platform for modern buyers? This article gets to the heart of the question by explaining how Nobul streamlines the home-buying process, end to end.

No Shots in the Dark: Using Hard Data to Find the Right Realtor for You

In the past, buyers had few lifelines for vetting a real estate agent. They might have solicited friends and family for advice or attempted to search online reviews, but they had no hard data to guide them. That was for a reason: agents often kept their sales histories and negative reviews hidden from consumers. But a series of successful antitrust law applications and Competition Bureau involvement has cast a light on these opaque practices.

In the aftermath, Nobul was there to proffer a solution. On Nobul, consumers can access all the data they need to make an informed choice on real estate agents: sales histories, verified reviews, rates, and more. A consumer enters their requirements (minimum average rating, perhaps), and the platform’s AI-driven algorithm lists relevant agents.

The Competitive Edge: Agents Compete to Represent You

Once the consumer has her shortlist of recommended agents, the agents have an opportunity on Nobul to compete for her business. While this is commonly more applicable to sellers (who can shop for the lowest commission rate, for instance), buyers can also take advantage.

The competitive element of the marketplace is another example of how Nobul shifts power away from real estate agents and gives it to the consumer.

Buyer Empowerment: Free Tools, Resources and Guides

According to CEO Regan McGee, Nobul’s priority is not only to “facilitate homebuyers’ ability to choose the agent best suited to their needs” but also to “support them end-to-end throughout their real estate journey.”

The tech innovator achieved this by adding a suite of tools, resources, and guides to the platform. On Nobul, a homebuyer can access a mortgage calculator, affordability calculator, local buying guides, market conditions indicators, average home price charts, and more. These tools help streamline the home-buying process by keeping consumers informed and up-to-date on the financial and logistical aspects of real estate.

Talking Shop: Curated Listings and Self-Paced Communication

True to its self-description as an “end-to-end” real estate platform, Nobul also streamlines the communication and search processes. If you opt-in, the platform sends you curated listings according to your customized criteria. The platform also features a built-in messaging feature that lets you chat with your agent, swap listings, and book physical or digital tours.

If you’ve started hearing the name Nobul lately and aren’t quite sure what the buzzy company is all about, hopefully, this article clears the air. The company’s repeated efforts to streamline the home-buying process make it a bright spot in the current real estate landscape.

Photo Credit: wayhomestudio Via Freepik


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